ATI TEAS 7 Reading TestPrepare Now!
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Practice Free ATI TEAS Reading Test Questions

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The ATI TEAS Reading Test is one of four sections that must be completed by nursing school applicants. While 70% is an acceptable score, only those with the best scores are accepted into the nursing programs.

As such, effective preparation, like completing practice tests and improving reading skills, is essential if you want to score as high as possible.

In this article, you’ll learn what’s on the ATI TEAS 7 Reading test and get practice questions and tips on how to effectively prepare for your test day.

For a full guide on the ATI TEAS Reading Test and what to expect, see our dedicated article.

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ATI TEAS Reading Study Guide – Example Questions

Candidates are presented with multiple passages covering various topics, such as science, social studies, literature, and informational texts.

Each passage is followed by a series of questions that evaluate comprehension, main idea identification, inference, and analysis.

Example Question

Read the following passage and answer the five questions below.

When contemplating intelligent animals, butterflies might not be the first creatures that come to mind. However, researchers have uncovered surprising facets of intelligence in these delicate insects. Butterflies exhibit behaviors that go beyond their ephemeral beauty, showcasing remarkable cognitive abilities.

Butterflies, part of the order Lepidoptera, are known for their intricate life cycle, transforming from caterpillars to chrysalises and finally emerging as winged adults. Recent studies have shed light on their capacity for learning and memory. Researchers have conducted experiments revealing that butterflies can remember and recognize specific scents associated with nectar-rich flowers, aiding them in efficient foraging.

In addition to their olfactory prowess, butterflies display navigational intelligence during long-distance migrations. Monarch butterflies, for instance, embark on an incredible journey spanning thousands of miles, navigating accurately to reach their overwintering grounds. The mechanisms behind this navigational skill are still a subject of study, but it underscores the complexity of their cognitive abilities.

Furthermore, butterflies engage in intricate courtship rituals that involve visual signals and dances. These behaviors suggest a level of communication and coordination, emphasizing the importance of cognitive functions in their reproductive strategies.

While butterflies might not solve complex problems like some other intelligent animals, their ability to learn, remember, navigate, and engage in intricate behaviors underscores a surprising dimension of intelligence in these seemingly delicate insects. The world of butterflies continues to fascinate researchers, inviting further exploration into the depths of their cognitive capabilities and the role intelligence plays in their remarkable life cycle.

1. Which of the following summarizes the key points in paragraph 3?

a) Butterflies are not always the best at migration as they lack navigational intelligence.
b) Butterflies exhibit sophisticated courtship rituals involving visual signals and dances, suggesting a level of communication and coordination in their reproductive strategies.
c) While butterflies may not engage in solving complex problems like some other intelligent animals, their capacity to learn, remember, navigate, and participate in intricate courtship behaviors highlights a surprising dimension of intelligence.
d) Butterflies, particularly Monarchs, demonstrate impressive navigational intelligence during long-distance migrations, showcasing their ability to accurately navigate vast distances to reach overwintering grounds.

Example Question

2. Which of the following is a reasonable conclusion that can be drawn from the whole passage?

a) Despite their delicate appearance, butterflies possess a level of intelligence that goes beyond their aesthetic appeal. Their ability to learn, remember, navigate, and engage in intricate behaviors, such as courtship rituals, underscores a fascinating dimension of cognitive capabilities.
b) Butterflies are more intelligent than any other animal species, surpassing even those known for advanced problem-solving abilities.
c) Butterflies lack any form of intelligence or cognitive abilities, functioning solely based on instinct and biological programming.
d) The cognitive abilities demonstrated by butterflies are solely a result of random chance and have no adaptive significance in their survival or reproductive success.

Practice Free ATI TEAS Reading Test Questions
Practice Free ATI TEAS Reading Test Questions

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Example Question

3. What is the main idea discussed in the passage?

a) Butterflies have no purpose except for looking pretty and reproducing.
b) Butterflies have the potential to be highly intelligent but no one has any interest in studying them.
c) Contrary to common perceptions of butterflies as fragile and purely aesthetically pleasing creatures, they exhibit surprising intelligence.
d) They are the most intelligent creatures on the planet, but they purposely hide the fact from predators.

Example Question

4. Which detail is not relevant to the main idea discussed in the passage?

a) Their lifecycle
b) They are part of the order Lepidoptera
c) The courtship rituals of butterflies
d) That they can identify specific scents

Example Question

5. Using the context of the sentence, what is the best synonym for prowess?

a) Skill
b) Courage
c) Daring
d) Inability

Example Question

Study the table below:

Genre Number of Books Sold
Fiction 320
Non-Fiction 280
Science Fiction 150
Children's Books 200
Mystery 180

The table lists the number of books sold by genre in a bookstore during the month of January.

Based on the table, which genre sold the least number of books in January?

a) Fiction
b) Non-Fiction
c) Science Fiction
d) Children's Books
e) Mystery

Example Question

Read the following passage:

Eleanor always had a passion for the stars. From a young age, she would spend nights gazing up at the sky, marveling at the constellations. As she grew older, her fascination only intensified, leading her to pursue a degree in astrophysics. Eleanor's dedication paid off when she was part of a team that discovered a new exoplanet. This discovery was not just a personal achievement for Eleanor; it contributed significantly to our understanding of the universe. Eleanor's story is a testament to the power of following one's dreams and the impact of curiosity-driven science.

What is the primary purpose of the passage?

a) To argue for increased funding in space exploration
b) To inform readers about the discovery of a new exoplanet
c) To persuade readers to study astrophysics
d) To inspire readers with a story of personal achievement and curiosity

Example Question

Read the following excerpt:

The study of archaeology can unearth fascinating insights into ancient civilizations. By examining artifacts, archaeologists can infer the customs, technologies, and social structures of peoples long gone. This detective work is not only about cataloging physical objects but also about understanding the stories they tell about human history.

In the context of the passage, what does the word "infer" most closely mean?

a) To guess without evidence
b) To deduce from evidence
c) To describe in detail
d) To disagree with a theory

Example Question

Read the following passage:

During the early 20th century, a significant movement in the art world emerged, challenging traditional notions of form and composition. This movement, spearheaded by a group of innovative artists, sought to break away from the conventions of the past, experimenting with abstract forms and new techniques. Their work, often met with initial skepticism, gradually gained acceptance and played a pivotal role in shaping the direction of modern art.

Based on the passage, which of the following can be inferred about the movement mentioned?

a) It was immediately successful and widely accepted by the public.
b) It focused on perfecting traditional techniques rather than inventing new ones.
c) It eventually influenced the broader art community and changed perceptions of art.
d) It was a short-lived movement that had little impact on the future of art.

Example Question

The passage below is from a memoir written by a doctor reflecting on her journey to becoming a physician.

“As a child, I always knew I wanted to pursue a career in medicine. Growing up in a family of healthcare professionals, I was inspired by their dedication to helping others and making a difference in people's lives.

“My passion for science and my desire to contribute to the well-being of others fueled my ambition to become a doctor. Throughout my upbringing, witnessing the transformative impact of medical care on individuals and communities further solidified my resolve to pursue this noble profession.

“Driven by a deep-seated commitment to serving humanity and alleviating suffering, I embarked on the challenging yet rewarding journey toward becoming a physician.”

In which paragraph does the author mention the main character's motivation for pursuing a career in medicine?

a) Paragraph 1
b) Paragraph 2
c) Paragraph 3
d) Paragraph 4

Example Question

"In today's interconnected world, infectious diseases pose a significant threat to global health and well-being. Amidst the ongoing challenges faced by healthcare systems worldwide, the importance of vaccination as a preventive measure cannot be overstated.

"Vaccines have played a pivotal role in controlling the spread of infectious diseases, preventing outbreaks, and saving countless lives. By stimulating the body's immune response to specific pathogens, vaccines effectively train the immune system to recognize and combat infectious agents, thereby reducing the risk of illness and transmission within communities.

"From childhood immunizations to seasonal flu shots and emerging vaccines against novel pathogens, vaccination remains one of the most effective and cost-efficient public health interventions available. However, despite the proven benefits of vaccination, misinformation and vaccine hesitancy continue to present barriers to achieving widespread immunization coverage.

Thus, promoting vaccine education, fostering trust in immunization programs, and ensuring equitable access to vaccines are essential components of global health efforts to prevent infectious diseases and protect vulnerable populations."

What is the primary focus of the passage?

a) Historical events during the Renaissance period
b) Advancements in medical technology
c) Challenges faced by healthcare workers during pandemics
d) The importance of vaccination in preventing infectious diseases

ATI TEAS Reading Questions – Key Ideas and Details

This section focuses on assessing candidates' ability to identify and analyze the main idea, supporting details, and key themes presented in the reading passages.

Questions may require candidates to summarize information, determine the author's purpose, and make logical inferences based on the text.

Example Question

The passage below discusses the benefits of regular physical exercise on cardiovascular health. Read the passage and answer the two questions below.

"Regular exercise is essential for maintaining cardiovascular health. Studies have shown that individuals who engage in daily exercise have lower cholesterol levels, reduced risk of hypertension, and improved heart function. Additionally, exercise can lead to improved mood and mental well-being, further contributing to overall cardiovascular health."

1. What is the author's main purpose in writing this passage?

a) To entertain readers with a fictional story
b) To inform readers about the benefits of exercise
c) To persuade readers to adopt a healthy lifestyle
d) To analyze the history of cardiovascular diseases

Example Question

2. Which detail from the passage supports the author's argument that regular exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease?

a) "Studies have shown that individuals who engage in daily exercise have lower cholesterol levels."
b) "Exercise can lead to improved mood and mental well-being."
c) "Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of death worldwide."
d) "The benefits of exercise include increased flexibility and muscle strength."

ATI TEAS Reading Questions – Craft and Structure

In this section, candidates are evaluated on their understanding of how authors use language, structure, and literary devices to convey meaning and enhance the effectiveness of their writing.

Questions may address vocabulary, word choice, tone, point of view, and organizational patterns within the passages.

Example Question

The passage below describes a picturesque countryside setting during the summer season. Read the passage and answer the two questions below.

"The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the lush green fields that stretched as far as the eye could see. A gentle breeze rustled through the leaves of the towering oak trees, creating a soothing melody that echoed through the countryside. Wildflowers of every color dotted the landscape, painting a vibrant canvas of natural beauty."

1. In the passage, the author's use of descriptive language to depict the setting helps to:

a) Create suspense and intrigue
b) Establish the mood and atmosphere
c) Develop the plot and advance the story
d) Introduce new characters and conflicts

Example Question

2. Which word best describes the author's tone in the passage?

a) Optimistic
b) Informative
c) Sarcastic
d) Melancholic

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

This section assesses candidates' ability to synthesize information from multiple sources, draw connections between different ideas or concepts, and evaluate arguments presented in the passages.

Questions may require candidates to compare and contrast viewpoints, analyze cause-and-effect relationships, and evaluate the reliability of information.

Example Question

The passage below discusses the impact of deforestation on wildlife habitats and biodiversity. Read the passage and answer the two questions below.

"Deforestation poses a significant threat to wildlife habitats and biodiversity. As forests are cleared for agricultural or urban development, countless species lose their homes and sources of food. The loss of biodiversity not only disrupts delicate ecosystems but also threatens the survival of endangered species, leading to irreversible consequences for global biodiversity."

1. How does the information presented in the passage support the argument that climate change is contributing to the decline of certain animal species?

a) By detailing the impact of deforestation on animal habitats
b) By discussing the benefits of conservation efforts in protecting endangered species
c) By analyzing historical trends in animal population dynamics
d) By highlighting the importance of biodiversity in ecosystem stability

Example Question

2. Which of the following is a logical inference based on the information provided in the passage?

a) Renewable energy sources are more cost-effective than fossil fuels.
b) The use of renewable energy sources has no impact on greenhouse gas emissions.
c) Human activities have contributed to the depletion of natural resources.
d) The transition to renewable energy sources will lead to a decrease in global energy consumption.

Critical Analysis and Reasoning

This section evaluates candidates' critical thinking skills by presenting passages that require analysis, interpretation, and evaluation. Questions may focus on identifying logical fallacies, evaluating arguments, and drawing evidence-based conclusions.

Example Question

The passage below discusses the scientific consensus on climate change and the need for urgent action to mitigate its impacts. Read the passage and answer the two questions below.

"Climate change is a pressing global issue that requires immediate attention and action. The overwhelming scientific consensus supports the conclusion that human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, are driving increases in greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to rising global temperatures. Urgent measures, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to renewable energy sources, are needed to mitigate the impacts of climate change on the environment and human societies."

1. Which of the following statements weakens the argument presented in the passage?

a) "Recent studies have shown a correlation between increased carbon emissions and global temperature rise."
b) "Climate change skeptics argue that natural climate variability is the primary driver of temperature fluctuations."
c) "The overwhelming scientific consensus supports the conclusion that human activities contribute to climate change."
d) "Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is essential for mitigating the impacts of climate change on the environment."

Example Question

2. Which of the following is a logical inference based on the information provided in the passage?

a) Renewable energy sources are more cost-effective than fossil fuels.
b) The use of renewable energy sources has no impact on greenhouse gas emissions.
c) Human activities have contributed to the depletion of natural resources. d) The transition to renewable energy sources will lead to a decrease in global energy consumption.

ATI TEAS Reading Study Guide – How to Pass the Test

The ATI TEAS is often a requirement for individuals applying to nursing or allied health programs.

The ATI TEAS Reading questions assess your ability to comprehend written information.

Here are some tips to help you prepare for the ATI TEAS 7 Reading Test.

Step 1. Understand the Test Format

Familiarize yourself with the test format, question types, and time constraints. This will help you manage your time effectively during the exam.

The best way to do this is to review TEAS Reading practice tests.

Step 2. Practice Regularly

Regular practice is essential. Create a study schedule that gives you enough time to study for the Math, English Language, and Science sections as well.

Work through sample questions and TEAS Test Reading study guide to get a sense of the types of passages and questions you may encounter.

This will also help improve your reading speed.

Step 3. Read Actively

Develop active reading skills.

This involves engaging with the text by asking yourself questions, summarizing information, and making predictions as you read. This helps with comprehension and retention skills.

Step 4. Improve Reading Speed

The TEAS Reading Test has a time limit of 55 minutes for 42 questions, so it's crucial to improve your reading speed without compromising comprehension.

Practice reading passages and answering questions within the allotted time.

Step 5. Expand Your Vocabulary

A good vocabulary is crucial for understanding complex passages. Work on expanding your vocabulary by reading a variety of materials and using flashcards to memorize new words.

Step 6. Identify Main Ideas and Supporting Details

Practice identifying the main ideas and supporting details within passages. This skill is essential for answering questions that ask about the overall theme or specific information within a passage.

Step 7. Practice Inference and Deduction

Some questions may require you to make inferences or deductions based on information provided in the passage.

Practice drawing logical conclusions from the texts and materials you read, or even any news story you hear.

Step 8. Review Literary Devices

Familiarize yourself with common literary devices, such as metaphor, simile, analogy, and symbolism.

Understanding these devices can aid in comprehending more complex passages.

Step 9. Take Timed Practice Tests

Simulate test conditions by taking a ATI TEAS Reading practice test. This will help you get used to the time constraints and improve your ability to manage time effectively during the actual exam.

Start your preparation with no time limits and eventually add restrictions until you can answer the questions in 55 minutes.

Step 10. Use ATI TEAS Study Materials

ATI offers official study materials, including TEAS Test Reading study guides and practice tests. These materials are designed to align closely with the content and format of the actual exam.

Consider investing in the ATI TEAS Study Manual, which covers all sections of the test, including the Reading Test.

In addition to the official materials, there are also lots of online study packs you can buy and free TEAS Reading practice tests for you to use. You can find more free questions and a study pack at TestPrep–Online.

You can also explore online resources such as YouTube tutorials, TEAS Test Reading cheat sheets, blog posts, and forums where individuals share their TEAS preparation experiences.

Many educators and test prep experts create content to help students succeed in the exam.

Step 11. Join Study Groups

Consider joining or forming a study group with fellow TEAS test-takers.

Discussing passages, sharing strategies, and explaining concepts to others can reinforce your understanding of the material.

Step 12. Review Mistakes

After each TEAS exam reading practice session, review the questions you answered incorrectly.

Understand why you made the mistakes and learn from them to avoid similar errors in the future.

Step 13. Stay Calm During the Exam

On the day of the exam, try to stay calm and focused.

Read each question carefully, and don't rush through the passages. Manage your time wisely to ensure that you have an opportunity to answer every question.

Step 14. Take Care of Your Health

Eating a poor diet and not getting enough sunlight, water, sleep, and exercise all affect your concentration levels and memory.

To perform your best you need to take care of yourself and make your health and mental wellbeing a priority.

Final Thoughts

Passing the ATI TEAS Reading test is an essential step in securing your place in a nursing program.

To achieve your best possible score, take the time to effectively prepare by creating a balanced study schedule, improving your reading skills by reading and evaluating different publications every day, and completing as many TEAS Reading practice tests as possible.