Watson Glaser Practice Test
This is a practice Watson Glaser test that simulates a real Watson Glaser aptitude test.
The test has 10 questions and you should aim to complete the test within 10 minutes.
All questions are multiple-choice.
Make sure you read a question in full before answering.
Answers and explanations to the questions are provided at the end of the test.

Following a reduction in the number of applicants, the college has been asking students to evaluate faculty teaching performance for the last two years. The college's management announced that the purpose of these evaluations is to give information to faculty about teachers' strengths and weaknesses, and to allow those who make decisions about pay raises and promotions to reward the better teachers. Last week, Professor Burke, a recently retired senior lecturer at the college, wrote a letter in which he objected to these evaluations, claiming they compromise academic standards.
There is more to the management's announced intentions than those mentioned by them in the passage.